Tips 13 : 15 Keys To Burn Calories!!

Try These!!
- 25 minutes spent for a shopping helps you burn 90 calories!
- Hear your favourite music and you will forget your junk food. This will surely reduce your taken calories that day!
- Your favourite food is on the table?. You can eat them but don't over eating!
- Don be so pamper to be fetched every time you want to go out! Just walk to the near bus stop and let he fetch you there. This will burn your 45 calories free!
- Spend at least 20 minutes for a slow walk around your window's room. The sunshine helps control your eating desire.
- Tidy up your house and rearrange your furniture. These activities help you burn 450 calories.
- Eat healthy foods such as salad, yogurt and bread.
- Did you know that, you burn 70 calories while cooking.
- Concentrate to the food you are eating. Don't eat during watching Tv, reading or studying. These would make you eat more than usual.
- Lets dance. Dancing accompanying your favourite music make you burn 230 calories.
- Eat in a small plate. It can be your good long term weight loss program.
- Drink green tea. It is proven to increase the burning calorie process.
- Take your foods away from TV. Removes all the foods to the kitchen. It will make you feel lazy to take it from there.
- Brush your teeth and your tongue. Making this will reduce your desire to chew.
- Don't push yourself. Getting a fit and gorgeous body needs effort, time and patience.

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